Our family learning programme delivers a variety of courses, workshops and events both in person, online and at different venues in Waltham Forest. Courses and workshops are free for families; all children must be accompanied by their parents/carers/any adult relative.

Parenting courses and workshops

Parents: as a result of attending our courses or workshops you will improve your skills, gain new knowledge and increase your understanding of how to support your child’s learning whilst meeting and sharing experiences with other families.

We currently have a variety of courses available including:

  • Calm Parents, Calm Children.
  • Raising Resilient and Confident Children.
  • E-Safety and digital skills.
  • Everyday English for speakers of other languages.
  • Mindfulness, health and wellbeing.
  • Keeping up with your child's English or Maths.
  • Keeping children safe online - e-Safety.

Families learning together

Our workshops are a great way for families to learn together, gain new knowledge and increase their understanding of how to support their child’s learning while engaging in creative and fun activities.

Our workshops run throughout the year in local Family Hubs’s, libraries and community spaces, recent courses include:

  • Valentines crafts for your loved ones.
  • Create a World book day costume for Families.
  • Plant a seed and watch it grow.
  • Celebrating Pride Month.
  • Celebrating Ramadan - Eid Crafts.
  • Make a Bird Feeder.
  • Nature inspired Art.
  • Bugs, Birds and Bees.
  • Easter Arts and Craft.
  • African Inspired Fabric Weaving
  • EYS - Fun with Numbers
  • Afterschool creative clubs
  • Summer Paper Craft.

We also offer a variety of 'Families Learning Together' courses throughout the year at our Queens Road learning centre.

Click on the button below to explore the available courses (The button will open a new window.)

Family Cookery Club

Date: Saturday Mornings - 10am to 12pm

Families are invited to attend these free, drop-in cookery workshops where the emphasis is on taking part in a fun, hands on and practical workshop preparing an internationally themed lunch for families to enjoy together at the end of each event.

Check dates and book your place by clicking the link below (The button will open a new window.)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are proud to offer a wide range of Government funded Community Learning courses. Due to the government funding scheme, residents are limited to enrolling in a maximum of three Community Learning courses during each academic year (September to July). This guideline has been put in place to ensure that as many residents as possible can benefit from these valuable resources and enjoy the opportunity to learn and grow. For more information on this policy and how it affects you please view the Multiple Course Enrolment Policy 2022-23 (pdf, 128 kB)

Get in Touch

Whether you need to get in touch to join a course, let us know if you're unable to attend your course, raise a query, let us know your feedback or anything else, contact us using the options below. You can also talk to an adviser live by clicking on the green speech bubble in the bottom right of the screen.


020 8496 2974


Queens Road Learning Centre
97 Queens Road
E17 8QR